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Reading Comprehension
CADRE Capstone
Data Collection Methods
Biweekly Wonders
Three biweekly Wonders assessments were administered throughout the study. These assessments assessed specific comprehension skills through selected and constructed response questions at various Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) levels. Comprehension skills assessed on these biweekly tests correlate with the third-grade state standards and the skills taught/practiced that particular week.

QAR Whole Group Data

TDQ Whole Group Data

QAR & TDQ Whole Group Data

QAR Whole Group Data
Whole Group
Questioning Data
During whole group instruction, my CADRE associate collected qualitative data regarding the students I called on to respond, what types of questions were asked, and the quality/accuracy of the answer given compared to the expected answer.
Anecdotal Data
During guided reading, I took anecdotal notes on how my students were responding to the questions I was asking and what instructional support I provided to assist in the student accurately answering the question. This data was used to inform me of the types of questions my students were struggling with the most and to track progress over time.

Wonders Unit 5, Week 4
Pre and Post-Assessment
The unit five, week four Wonders reading assessment was given as a pre and post-test to measure the overall impact of the differentiated targeted questioning strategies on students’ reading comprehension abilities. Students completed this particular assessment at the beginning and end of the study.
Student Experience Questionnaire
A student experience questionnaire was administered through a Google form at the beginning and end of the data collection period. This questionnaire provided students with an opportunity to share their own personal feelings about their confidence in different components of questioning, comprehension, and reading. Students were asked to rate themselves on a four-point Likert scale to explain how confident they feel when they are asked questions after reading, to find text evidence, to answer a question in front of the class, and to read in general.

Individualized Graph and Goal Setting
Students tracked their comprehension performance on selection quizzes and biweekly Wonders assessments with the use of a personalized graph. I created developmentally appropriate goals with each of my students after our biweekly Wonders assessments that corresponded with their performance. These goals mainly focused on improving their ability to answer specific types of questions, identify text evidence to support an answer, or using the RACE strategy to respond through writing.
Why were these data methods best for my students?
These forms of data collection were best for my students because they exposed my students to multiple formats of responding to comprehension questions and incorporated assessments/routines they were already familiar with. Using what was already familiar for my students was an important factor as I did not want to receive false data due to a new format of an assessment. These types of data collection were also best for my class as they positively impacted my ability to gain accurate information about their reading comprehension and apply that learning to effectively help each one of my students grow in some way. Administering the student experience questionnaire was best to utilize with my group of students as I felt I did not know their true thoughts about their own confidence in reading and it would be beneficial to their learning/my instruction if I did have that understanding.
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